John Fuzzy Mylne. The Man Behind All The Fuzz

John Fuzzy Mylne is a well-known name on the endurance racing circuit. He was a 34-year-old single-speed racer who set several impressive records this year. He won the Sierra-Tahoe 100 single-speed title and 6th overall.

His results are impressive, but it is his distinctive whiskered face that makes him stand out.

Fuzzy Fuzzy Face: John Fuzzy Mylne is a hard-working rider.

He explained that Fuzzy is a nickname that comes from this area. I

It was started to grow in 1996. This was my first job, and the manager was also my boss.

He just scolded me for not taking a day off school. He walked off as I was leaving.

I yelled, You also need a haircut. I gave my notice, and never shaved another time.

Why no mustache? He grew this mustache for his first few years.

I shrugged. The mustache was only a patchy area so I kept it clean. So

Fuzzy, despite all the rumors, isn’t Amish. I was however in Ohio this year.

He shared the story with some Amish riding in buggies. They were very attractive.


Fuzzy was the first to see theTahoe Sierra 100, where he won single-speed. placed sixth overall in endurance racing among a field that included luminaries from the sport.

Although 34 is a late age to start bike racing, it’s still a great time. But it’s up
Fuzzy, a casual rider who worked at Yakima until a few decades ago, was just starting to become a professional rider.
Arcata, a Northern California city. He was one the fastest locals.
But it is not the fastest. He says that the guys around Humboldt are his best friends.
They are quick! They could even hang out with professionals. Really! Fuzzy is a different animal.
Yakima closed, and he decided to share his decision with his old riding buddies.
The Arcata facility. I did not want to go to Oregon with the company.
Instead, I set myself a 6-month goal to become a mountain biker.
Racer; to devote myself to training, good food and a great lifestyle
Structured program. Five months later, I got my first real estate.
Sponsor; Team Sho-Air. They saw me at Vision Quest?a really difficult
55-miler in SoCal? and they were impressed by what I did on a rigid
Single-speed behind their fastest rider in a geared full suspender.

Fuzzy rode in Sho-Air’s 06 and 07 seasons. He has been riding for Niner since mid-2008. Fuzzy uses his Mercedes Sprinter van with Kristina and their 15-month-old son Ian to tow Niners 7.6m trailer of race bikes and demo bikes to events.

Fuzzy’s home away from home. Fuzzy travels a lot in his Mercedes Sprinter Van.

Fuzzy technically is still an expert. NORBA won’t grant me a pro
He explained that upgrading was possible. My events are non-NORBA. This year, I was 6th overall in the NORBA event and beat most of my competitors.
four-rider teams. Still, no upgrade!

Fuzzy’s performance at the NORBA Awards is unaffected by his official status.

Tahoe-Sierra 100 was the first to know of his arrival as an endurance competitor.

Fuzzy recounts how he was able to get up with the leaders in his first mile.

One of them asked, « What’s the single-speeder doing there? » Jeremiah Bishop replied Thats Fuzzy. You don’t have to worry about him. He has the super cadence. I think, Okay. They know who they are. Cool! Cool! Maybe it was that realization that drove him to leave the elite pack. Before I knew it, I was at the front of the pack after the first climb. It took me two to three miles for them?Chris Eatough and Jeremiah Bishop, Jeff Shaw Harlan Price, Tinker, Josh Tostado, Josh Tostado?to catch me up. After a while, Harlan surged up the climb. I was content with my pace so I let them go. I knew that I would not be able keep up with them on their next descent. I’d try my best to spin out my gear. It was all solo from that point on. I never saw anyone else. It was a wonderful day. This year I have had more riding days, as I felt faster. That was my first real recognition of riding fast and not just for one-speed riding. This is a new era in my life, riding with top riders.

The Redwoods: For twelve years, Fuzzy lived in Arcata in Humboldt County. Here he takes a ride back to his old home. .


His lack of results in 24 hour races next year will be rectified. I have to.

That is what I am trying to do. It’s kind of like when you were a teenager.

I was a runner and said to myself that I would never run a marathon. It takes 24 hours to complete a marathon.

Getting ready and then recovering takes a lot of time. In reality, I have started the24

Hours in the Old Pueblo twice. The first year, I was unable to work with a mechanical.

It rained so hard this year that I had to pull out cold and miserable.

He plans to run 100-mile races, regardless of his 24-hour plans

To make his mark in 09. I’m only five hours into a race and just beginning to feel the effects.

Like I hammering. That’s eight hours, or so. Kristina

Ian will join him as his cheering section.

He said that he saw most of the things this year. It’s a life on the road.

It’s a lot of fun, but I am not a professional mountain biker so I don’t know what it is.

That’s what it means these days. The sport isn’t really worth much. However,

its still great. It’s still great to have so many friends.

It is so worth every second of it. It is the best thing I have ever done!